[订购] INTO EVERLASTING FIRE: The Official History of IMMOLATION, 英文书 [预付款1|399]

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《永恒之火:IMMOLATION 官方历史》。精装硬壳书,400页。全英文。 厚达 400 页的精装书讲述了死亡金属史上最受欢迎的乐队之一的历史。包括彩色照片! 自 1986...更多
商品信息 "[订购] INTO EVERLASTING FIRE: The Official History of IMMOLATION, 英文书 [预付款1|399]"

《永恒之火:IMMOLATION 官方历史》。精装硬壳书,400页。全英文。

厚达 400 页的精装书讲述了死亡金属史上最受欢迎的乐队之一的历史。包括彩色照片!

自 1986 年在纽约州扬克斯以 Rigor Mortis 的名义成立以来,Immolation 的成员们从新兴的地下磁带交易乐队一路走来,成为死亡金属史上最受欢迎的乐队之一。 《永恒之火:Immolation 官方历史》提供了前成员、唱片公司老板、制作人和同行艺术家的亲历者证词,他们都参与了乐队在现代死亡金属领域的不懈攀登。本书由资深极端金属记者 Kevin Stewart-Panko(Decibel、Terrorizer)执笔,Deadguy 吉他手 Keith Huckins 作序,并配有传奇 Immolation 封面艺术家 Andreas Marschall 的惊人新艺术作品。《永恒之火》是 Immolation 通过无数深入采访、工作室回忆、令人痛苦和搞笑的路途故事和数十张独家照片对乐队职业生涯进行的完全授权、前所未有的回顾。

“我们非常激动和自豪地宣布推出《永恒之火》,”乐队表示。“它为我们多年来的世界提供了独特的视角,也为我们从早期开始到现在的场景提供了一瞥。Kevin Stewart-Panko出色地将近 40 年的故事和回忆融入了一本书中,这本书最终将让我们的粉丝以独特的视角了解 Immolation 乐队在死亡金属乐坛起步时期的悠久而丰富的历史。”


INTO EVERLASTING FIRE: The Official History of IMMOLATION hardback

A massive 400-page hardback telling the history of one of the most beloved bands in death metal history. Includes colour photo gallery

Since their earliest incarnation in Yonkers, NY as Rigor Mortis in 1986, the members of Immolation have blazed an uncompromising path from the nascent tape-trading underground through their current standing as one of the most beloved bands in death metal history.

Propelled by the dissonant harmonic acrobatics of guitarist Robert Vigna and the subterranean growl and slashing rhythms of bassist/vocalist Ross Dolan, Immolation’s core duo not only led death metal landmarks like Dawn of Possession but piloted the band through music industry pitfalls of dubious record contacts, sketchy agents and the mid-’90s commercial collapse of the subgenre they helped perfect—and never abandoned.


Into Everlasting Fire: The Official History of Immolation provides eyewitness accounts from ex-members, label owners, producers and fellow artists who were part of the band’s relentless climb to the top of the modern death metal landscape. Penned by longtime extreme metal journalist Kevin Stewart-Panko (Decibel, Terrorizer), featuring a foreword by Deadguy guitarist Keith Huckins, and boasting stunning new art from legendary Immolation cover artist Andreas Marschall, Into Everlasting Fire is Immolation’s fully authorized, unprecedented look into the band’s career via countless in-depth interviews, studio recollections, harrowing and hilarious road stories and dozens of exclusive photos.

“We are very excited and extremely proud to announce Into Everlasting Fire,” says the band. “It provides a unique glimpse into our world throughout the years as well as a glimpse into our scene from its earlier beginnings right up until the present. Kevin Stewart-Panko did an amazing job in assimilating almost 40 years of stories and memories into a book that will finally give our fans a unique look into Immolation’s long and rich history rooted in the beginnings of the death metal scene.”


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唱片价格: ¥ 399
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 398
预计到货时间:    12月下旬
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Book status: Pre-order
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