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[订购] Inquisition ‎– Nefarious Dismal Orations, 磁带 [预付款1|79] [订购] Inquisition ‎– Nefarious Dismal Orations,...
磁带。限量400。 Darkness Shall Rise Productions 2024 DSR 242MC Inquisition (COL) – Nefarious Dismal Orations Black screwed music cassette with copper print. 4-panel j-card. Limited to 400 copies. Also available as limited (99) 7-tape bundle...
€1.00 *
[订购] Inquisition ‎– Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer, 磁带 [预付款1|79] [订购] Inquisition ‎– Magnificent Glorification...
磁带。限量400。 Darkness Shall Rise Productions 2024 DSR 241MC Inquisition (COL) – Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer Black screwed music cassette with brown/grey print. 4-panel j-card. Limited to 400 copies. Also available as limited (99)...
€1.00 *
[订购] Inquisition ‎– Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith, 磁带 [预付款1|79] [订购] Inquisition ‎– Bloodshed Across the...
磁带。限量400。 Darkness Shall Rise Productions 2024 DSR 245MC Inquisition (COL) – Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith Black screwed music cassette with silver print. 4-panel j-card. Limited to 400 copies. Also...
€1.00 *
[订购] Vàli ‎– Forlatt, CD [预付款1|109] [订购] Vàli ‎– Forlatt, CD [预付款1|109]
Digipak CD, 器乐民谣/新民谣。 本店特为乐迷朋友们提供1元钱唱片预定服务—— 在这里你仅需支付1元钱定金 ,到货时补齐尾款即可。 请通过淘宝或者客服支付定金 (添加微信vr01-vr01方便到货通知) ,我们相信大家会遵守君子约定,希望大家都会收到自己心爱的唱片。 福利:每月我们会从参与预定的朋友中随机抽取一位,免费获得一张CD。结果会在 客服朋友圈 公示。 唱片订购 唱片价格: ¥ 109 预定金: ¥ 1 到货需补差价: ¥ 108 预计到货时间:...
€1.00 *
[订购] Kauan ‎– ATM Revised, LP (透明) [预付款1|229] [订购] Kauan ‎– ATM Revised, LP (透明) [预付款1|229]
透明胶,带大歌本。Kauan第三张专辑Aava Tuulen Maa,全新封面,音乐重新编排,升级重录。 Beautiful deluxe edition of the ATM Revised vinyl that comes with a spectacular large-sized vinyl booklet. A completely re-recorded and remastered version of KAUAN's black metal...
€1.00 *
[订购] Unanimated – In The Light Of Darkness, 磁带 [预付款1|79] [订购] Unanimated – In The Light Of Darkness, 磁带...
磁带。 Darkness Shall Rise Productions 2024 DSR 262MC Unanimated (SWE) – In The Light Of Darkness After 14 years since “Ancient God Of Evil”, Unanimated struck back with the absolutely incredible third album “In The Light Of Darkness”....
€1.00 *
[订购] Shining ‎– Shining, 磁带 [预付款1|79] [订购] Shining ‎– Shining, 磁带 [预付款1|79]
磁带。限量300。 Darkness Shall Rise Productions / The Sinister Initiative 2024 DSR 252MC KINSKI008 Shining (SWE) – Shining White screwed music cassette with red print. 3-panel j-card. Limited to 300 copies. Side A: 1. Avsändare okänd 2. Snart...
€1.00 *
[订购] Orange Goblin ‎– Science, Not Fiction, 2xLP (黑色) [预付款1|279] [订购] Orange Goblin ‎– Science, Not Fiction,...
双黑胶。2024年新专辑。 The 2024 studio release from Metal trailblazer’s Orange Goblin. Science, Not Fiction is an absorbing exploration (and exploitation) of the world as seen through the three fundamental factors; Science, Spirituality and...
€1.00 *
[订购] Limbonic Art ‎– Opus Daemoniacal, CD [预付款1|109] [订购] Limbonic Art ‎– Opus Daemoniacal, CD...
Digisleeve CD。挪威黑金属,2024年新专辑。 LIMBONIC ART are back! Their ninth full-length "Opus Daemoniacal" is black as a raven, fierce as a wolf, majestic as an eagle, and mighty as the legendary Norwegian black metal pioneers that mastermind,...
€1.00 *
[订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Den Vanfrejdade – Hultkläppens, 2xCD 硬壳书 [预付款1|299] [订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Den Vanfrejdade...
2CD 豪华硬壳书 (18x18 cm, 132页)。瑞典提琴手,2024年新专辑。 发行时间: 10月25日。 在赫尔辛兰的中心地带,出现了瑞典最神秘、最精湛的小提琴手之一 Hultkläppen 的传奇。Thomas von Wachenfeldt 是一位受过古典训练的小提琴家、作曲家和著名的瑞典传统音乐家,他深入历史深处,重现了永恒的曲调。 “Den Vanfrejdade – Hultkläppens låtar och leveragene”...
€1.00 *
[订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Mythos of the Forefathers (Vol. 1 & 2), 2xCD [预付款1|109] [订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Mythos of the...
2CD。北欧民谣氛围。 “Thomas von Wachenfeldt 的《祖先神话》是一部两卷本的黑暗民谣作品,是向 19 世纪瑞典学者兼作家 Viktor Rydberg 所著的《Fädernas gudasaga》致敬的诚挚作品。 《祖先神话》的创作是为了补充书中每一章的文字。为了捕捉其整体氛围,Thomas...
€1.00 *
[订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Malleus Clericum, CD [预付款1|109] [订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Malleus...
Digipak CD。北欧民谣小提琴。 “Thomas von Wachenfeldt 2010 年的专辑《Malleus Clericum – Hinslåtar, näckvalser och häxdanser》(《牧师之锤 – 魔鬼之歌、精灵华尔兹和女巫之舞》)是一部独奏小提琴杰作,由 25 首曲目组成,这些曲目植根于瑞典传统民间音乐和传说。...
€1.00 *
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