[订购] Lifelover ‎– Sjukdom, LP (透明) [预付款1|219]

€1.00 *

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  • VR-11989
透明胶,限量500。 B's legacy and the most extreme swansong of 2011 Lifelover's fourth and last...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Lifelover ‎– Sjukdom, LP (透明) [预付款1|219]"


B's legacy and the most extreme swansong of 2011

Lifelover's fourth and last album "Sjukdom" (English: disease) is a dark and challenging record. Following their critical acclaim-afforded and cathartic "Konkurs" in 2008, these elusive and mysterious misanthropes venture down an even more daring path with "Sjukdom" where the extremes of the characteristically idiosyncratic Lifelover sound are pushed to their utmost limit: the bittersweet melodies become more beautiful whilst the pulsing, coal-black heaviness becomes uglier. After the tragic death of B in September 2011, this is Lifelover's final studio album.

- Gatefold LP (clear vinyl) incl. padded inner sleeve and protection sleeve (500 copies available)

01. Svart Galla
02.Led By Misfortune
03. Expandera
04. Homicidal Tendencies
05. Resignation
06. Doften Av Tomhet
07. Totus Anctus
08. Horans Hora
09. Bitterljuv Kakofoni
10. Becksvart Frustration
11. Nedvaknande
12. Instrumental Asylum
13. Utdrag
14. Karma

<1元钱唱片预定 & 福利计划!>


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唱片价格: ¥ 219
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 218
预计到货时间:    4-6周
疑问?唱片需求? 加微信:vr01-vr01


Vinyl status: Pre-order
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