Rippikoulu – Musta Seremonia, LP (紫黑理石)

€229.00 *

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  • VR-20892
透明紫罗兰理石胶。芬兰死厄经典,2024年再版。 Rippikoulu 的 Musta seremonia 既是国际上备受追捧的作品,也是 Svart Records...更多
商品信息 "Rippikoulu – Musta Seremonia, LP (紫黑理石)"


Rippikoulu 的 Musta seremonia 既是国际上备受追捧的作品,也是 Svart Records 历史中不可或缺的一部分 - 1993 年原版磁带的再版是 2010 年 Svart 最早发行的专辑之一。当时,这张专辑被认为是芬兰地下金属界最保密的专辑之一。后来,几张再版专辑迅速售罄,Rippikoulu 的伟大已不再是秘密,我们很高兴将 Musta seremonia 重新推向市场。Rippikoulu 的音乐事业始于 80 年代末,和许多同时代人一样,从原始的朋克噪音演变为死亡金属。然而,虽然许多乐队演奏死亡金属时都带有时髦的即兴演奏和整体的摇头风格,但 Rippikoulu 选择的风格更为黑暗。他们的金属音乐低沉而凄凉,沉重得几乎让人无法忍受,主题黑暗而深刻,将更快的混乱爆发与缓慢而悲惨的乐段交织在一起。Rippikoulu 于 1993 年在磁带上发行了 Musta seremonia 演示专辑,之后便销声匿迹。他们在那个时代从未获得太多人气,但他们的遗产却随着时间的推移稳步增长。这张专辑是从原始 DAT 母带精心重新制作的,经过了清理和放大。

Transparent Violet/Black Marble Vinyl


Rippikoulu's Musta seremonia is both an international cult item and an integral part of the history of Svart Records as well - a reissue of the original 1993 tape was one of the earliest Svart releases back in 2010. Back then, this album was considered as one of the best kept secrets in the Finnish underground metal scene. Several quickly sold out reissues later, Rippikoulu's greatness is no longer a secret, and we are happy to bring Musta seremonia back on the market. Rippikoulu began their musical endeavours back in the late eighties, and like so many of their contemporaries, evolved from primitive punk noise to death metal. However, while many bands played death metal with groovy riffing and overall headbanging attitude, Rippikoulu's choice of style was darker. Their downtuned metal is bleak and nearly unbearably heavy in its execution, dark and soul-searching in its themes, intertwining faster bursts of chaos with slow, doomy passages. Rippikoulu released the Musta seremonia demo album on tape in 1993 and then disappeared. They never gained much popularity in their time, but their legacy has steadily grown in time. The album has been carefully remastered from the original DAT master tape, cleaned up and amplified.

Side A :

Kadonneet Jumalat / Kuolematon Totuus / Ikuinen Piina


Side B :

Anteeksiannon Synkkä Varjo / Pimeys Yllä Juumalan Maan / Musta Seremonia

Vinyl status: In stock
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