[订购] Kati Rán ‎– SÁLA, 2xLP (黑色)+ Slipcase封套 [预付款1|299]

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双黑胶带slipcase封套。北欧民谣,2024年新专辑。   如果最深奥的宝藏往往是埋藏最深的,那么发掘它们的旅程就是重要的过程。 15...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Kati Rán ‎– SÁLA, 2xLP (黑色)+ Slipcase封套 [预付款1|299]"



如果最深奥的宝藏往往是埋藏最深的,那么发掘它们的旅程就是重要的过程。 15 分钟的单曲《Blodbylgje》标志着她的乐队 L.E.A.F. 解散后,一种全新的、更原始、更身临其境的愿景的诞生,五年后,北欧黑暗民谣艺术家 Kati Rán 在她期待已久的完整专辑中扩展了她的海洋主题。全长专辑“SÁLA”,这是一部影响深远的音乐和个人游记,它重新唤醒了挪威神话中淹没和支离破碎的女性叙事,以及其中蕴含的持久治愈力量。


“SÁLA”以古斯堪的纳维亚语中的“灵魂”和“海洋”一词命名,是一种“灵魂恢复”的行为,是一种萨满教创伤康复艺术,无论是疾病、死亡、心碎还是失落,以及破碎的灵魂的重新整合。这张专辑收录了 13 首内容广泛、优雅的曲目,体现了不同的女性声音和观点——从挪威海中的九个女儿或“巨浪少女”,到各种历史和虚构人物,再到深夜我们在最阈限的状态下听到的声音——都有故事要讲,有谜语要解决,有挑战要接受,有要提供指导。它是一种多样性,就像海洋本身一样,属于一种巨大的、不安定的动态:一个由神秘、深不可测和不断变化的洋流组成的矩阵,积累成一种基本的、可再生的能量来源。


《SÁLA》是在冰岛胡萨费尔 (Húsafell) 的一个谷仓录制的,该谷仓是冰川冰洞的所在地,在歌曲《Stone Pillars》中重新发现了稀有的熔岩马林巴琴,此外还在芬兰、挪威和 Kati 的祖国荷兰的家乡录制,《SÁLA》同样是一部编年史。卡蒂自己的视角转换记录过程就像一次通过不同观点和内部状态的朝圣。这种巡回的冲动也体现在对不同语言的使用上,包括挪威语、古挪威语、冰岛语,以及首次使用英语,她将古代文本、历史重新想象和毫无保留的个人反思结合起来,这些反思都得到了对语言的深入研究的支持。北欧传说中最能引起共鸣的隐秘之处。




这也是一个合作项目。除了与芬兰制作人 Jaani Peuhu 的密切合作外,还有来自各个音乐领域的贡献,包括杰出的极端金属歌手 Gaahl、冰岛女声合唱团 Umbra Ensemble、挪威著名爵士音乐家 Karl Seglem、Björk 和 Brian Eno 低音提琴手 Borgar Magnason、异教民谣乐队 Völuspá、Gealdýr、Heilung 和 Theodor Bastard 的成员,甚至还有 Napalm Death 乐队的 Mitch Harris 都曾担任主唱。


尽管“SÁLA”的来源众多,但最终的结果却是一次独特的、具有深刻变革性的仪式,以及内心对神圣的虔诚连续性的重新调整。它将带您从开场同名曲中从传统的挪威牛角号(由 Karl Seglem 录制)、奔腾的骑马者和 Kati 冰冷、平绒的圣歌中出现的令人心潮澎湃的节奏,到“Kólga”对历代女性迫害的叙述。承载着最轻薄但坚不可摧的音色和“石柱”轻轻渗透的、废弃的深井和恢复的咒语。 《SÁLA》以歌曲《Sátta》结束——古挪威语中意为“和平”和“和解”——专辑以牛角号开始,它编织了丰富的低音和带有经验印记的诗歌和祈祷,Kati 的声音最为敏感。调整情绪晴雨表。这张专辑是为了奉献并受制于自己的命运感而制作的,正如所有的追求最终都必须是的那样,《SÁLA》是一次归家之途。




Black Vinyl Slipcase Edition

Svart Records are proud to release the long-awaited full length album ""SÁLA"" by Kati Rán in May 2024" If the most profound treasures are often the most deeply buried, the journey to uncover them is vital process of discovery. Five years after the 15-minute single “Blodbylgje” signaled the birth of a new, more primordial, and immersive vision after the dissolution of her band L.E.A.F., Nordic dark folk artist Kati Rán has expanded on its oceanic theme for her longawaited full-length album, “SÁLA”. Embarking on a far-reaching musical and personal travelogue, it’s a reawakening of both the feminine narratives submerged and fragmented within Norse mythology, and the enduring, healing powers held within. Named after the Old Norse word for ‘soul’ and ‘sea’, “SÁLA” is an act of ‘soul retrieval’, the shamanic art of trauma recovery, be it illness, death, heartbreak or loss, and the reintegration of a splintered self. Across its 13, wide-ranging, elegantly unfolding tracks, the album is an embodiment of different feminine voices and perspectives – from the Norse nine daughters of the sea, or ‘billow maidens’, through various historical and fictional figures to the late-night voices we hear in our most liminal states – all with tales to tell, riddles to solve, challenges to be accepted and guidance to offer. It’s a multiplicity that, like the ocean itself, belongs to a vast, restless dynamic: a matrix of mysteries, unfathomable depths and ever-shifting currents, accumulating into an elemental, regenerative source of power. Recorded in a barn in Húsafell, Iceland – home to glacier ice caves and a rare lava stone marimba rediscovered for the track “Stone Pillars” – as well as Finland, Norway and at home in Kati’s native Netherlands, “SÁLA” is as much chronicle of Kati’s own perspective-shifting recording process as it as a pilgrimage through different viewpoints and internal states. That itinerate urge is also reflected in the use of different languages, ranging across Norwegian, Old Norse, Icelandic, and, for the first time, English, her combination of ancient texts, historical reimagining’s and unguarded personal reflection backed up by deep research into the most resonant recesses of Nordic lore. Spun throughout every thread of “SÁLA” is a sense of communion - with the power of stories to offer moral guidance and the thrill of the unknown; with the element of water, recreated across the album both in field recordings and the agelessly organic nature of the music itself; with the archetypes whose qualities we are called upon to embody at our most critical moments; and with the internal hidden realms forever whispering at us from the far edges of our consciousness. Appropriately, it’s a collaborative venture too. As well as working closely together with Finnish producer Jaani Peuhu, there are contributions from across the musical spectrum, including extreme metal vocalist extraordinaire Gaahl, the Icelandic female choir Umbra Ensemble, renowned Norwegian jazz musician Karl Seglem, Björk and Brian Eno contrabassist Borgar Magnason, members of pagan folk acts Völuspá, Gealdýr, Heilung and Theodor Bastard and even Napalm Death’s Mitch Harris on vocals. For all the many sources “SÁLA” draws from, the result is a singular, intimately transformative rite of passage, and a retuning of the heart to the reverent continuity of the sacred. It will take you from the opening title track’s chest-pounding rhythmic pulse emerging from a traditional Norwegian bukkehorn (recorded by Karl Seglem), a galloping horse-rider and Kati’s glacial, velveteen chant, through “Kólga’s” recounting of female persecution through the ages borne on the most gossamer-light yet unbreakable of timbres" "and “Stone Pillar’s” gently percolating, deep wells of abandonment and incantations to recovery. “SÁLA” closes with the track “Sátta” - Old Norse for ‘peace’ and ‘reconciliation’ – ending the album as it began with the bukkehorn, as it weaves rich drones and experiencestamped poems and prayers, Kati’s vocals the most sensitively tuned of emotional barometers. An album made in dedication, and in thrall to, its own sense of destiny, “SÁLA” is, as all quests must ultimately be, a homecoming.

Side A : SÁLA / HEFRING / KÓLGA | 16

Side B : BLODBYLGJE / DRÖFN | Drifting

Side C : STONE PILLARS / DÚFA | Sleeping / UNNR | Mindbeach

Side D : HIMINGLÆVA - Kati Rán, Jaani Peuhu / HRÖNN / BÁRA | Bósi / SEGIÐ MÉR / TA"

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唱片价格: ¥ 299
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 298
预计到货时间:        4-6周
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黑胶状态: 预定
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