[订购] Sylvaine – Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart, 2xLP (十周年纪念版, 蓝色) [预付款1|299]

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  • VR-21364
半透明蓝色双胶,限量400。十周年纪念版,重混。 发行时间:12月。   十年前,SYLVAINE 用《Silent Chamber, Noisy...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Sylvaine – Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart, 2xLP (十周年纪念版, 蓝色) [预付款1|299]"




十年前,SYLVAINE 用《Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart》向听众介绍了她飘渺的世界,这张首张专辑将氛围自赏音乐、后摇滚和暗潮融合成一个情感共鸣的音景。这位多乐器演奏家身兼作曲家、录音工程师、制作人和音乐家,在混音工程师 Nick Terry 的帮助下,由 Air Studios 的 Ray Staff 进行母带处理,创作了这部广受好评的作品。这张专辑因其忧郁的旋律和大气的吉他而备受赞誉,标志着 SYLVAINE 进入音乐界,并确立了她独特的声音身份。


由 Karl Daniel Lidén 重新制作,SYLVAINE 曾与他合作创作了她最近的作品。周年纪念版还包括一首独家附赠曲目 - 一首精美重新构想的同名曲目的原声版本,让人们深入了解她亲密的独奏表演。


重新发行的专辑通过精雕细琢的排版和艺术插画以及解说,进一步增强了其美感。摄影师 Daria Endresen 捕捉到了这张专辑的原始印象,并用一系列从未发表过的新照片补充了周年纪念版的视觉效果,展现了 SYLVAINE 的音乐和艺术视野在过去十年中如何成长为她自己独有的东西。

Solid gatefold cover with deluxe silk touch finish and silver flood print for the pockets. Includes insert feat. lyrics/photos on thick stock, black inner-sleeves with padding, and album download on a specially designed card.


A decade ago, SYLVAINE introduced her ethereal world to listeners with Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart, a debut album that blended ambient shoegaze, post-rock, and darkwave into an emotionally resonant soundscape. Serving as a composer, recording engineer, producer, and musician, the multi-instrumentalist crafted this critically acclaimed work with the help of mixing engineer Nick Terry and mastering by Ray Staff at Air Studios. The album, praised for its melancholic melodies and atmospheric guitars, marked SYLVAINE's entrance into the music world and established her distinctive sonic identity.

Remastered by Karl Daniel Lidén, with whom SYLVAINE has collaborated on her recent works. The anniversary edition also includes an exclusive bonus track - a beautifully reimagined acoustic version of the title track, giving an insight into her intimate solo performances.

The re-release is further enhanced with a subtly refined layout and artwork, alongside liner notes. The photographer Daria Endresen, who captured the original impressions for the album, complements the visual aspect of the Anniversary Edition with a new and previously unpublished series of photos, illustrating how SYLVAINE’s music and artistic vision have grown into something uniquely her own over the past decade.


01. Sylvan

02. It Rains In My Heart

03. Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart

04. Tocka

05. Bien Loin D‘ici

06. The Biggest Loss of All

07. Dysphoria

08. Seraphim

09. I Drink In Every Sob Like Wine

10. A Laugh In A Sea of Sorrow

11. Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart (Acoustic Version)

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唱片价格: ¥ 299
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 299
预计到货时间:   12月
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黑胶状态: 预定
相关链接 "[订购] Sylvaine – Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart, 2xLP (十周年纪念版, 蓝色) [预付款1|299]"