[订购] Disentomb ‎– Nothing Above, 10寸胶 (白黑喷溅) [预付款1|179]

[订购] Disentomb ‎– Nothing Above, 10寸胶 (白黑喷溅) [预付款1|179]
¥ 1.00 *

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  • VR-21635
白黑喷溅胶,  死亡金属2025年新EP。 发行时间:1月17日 The NOTHING ABOVE EP marks the first Disentomb release...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Disentomb ‎– Nothing Above, 10寸胶 (白黑喷溅) [预付款1|179]"

白黑喷溅胶,  死亡金属2025年新EP。


The NOTHING ABOVE EP marks the first Disentomb release following their third album The Decaying Light and delving further into the sound of dissonant and bleakened Brutal Death with the writing from the band's bassist Adrian Cappelletti. NOTHING ABOVE is four tracks of the band experimenting with their sound while maintaining the guttural brutality that originally made Disentomb's mark when they exploded onto the worldwide scene in 2008.

Vocalist Jord said the EP was an opportunity for fans to hear a more experimental side of Disentomb. "While we're hard at work writing Album IV, we wanted to put out some songs in between albums that show a more evolved sound that we have developed over the years. With the writing done by our bassist Adrian, you can hear the mix of brutality while also some more experimental elements."

Side A :

Drear Prophecies / Man is a Failed Creature

Side B :

No God Unconquered / Nothing Above

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唱片价格: ¥ 179
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 178
预计到货时间:    2025年2月中旬
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黑胶状态: 预定
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