Rome ‎– Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit – Band 3, LP + CD

¥ 299.00 *

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  • VR-19776
黑胶 + CD,限量500手写编号,带签名。卢森堡新民谣。 LIMITED 12” VINYL+CD EDITION OF THE ABUM OF THE SAME NAME....更多
商品信息 "Rome ‎– Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit – Band 3, LP + CD"

黑胶 + CD,限量500手写编号,带签名。卢森堡新民谣。


  • Black 180g 12" vinyl
  • 180g audiophile vinyl - German pressing!
  • Sturdy cardboard sleeve
  • Printed inner sleeve and containing all lyrics
  • Printed vinyl labels
  • The CD contains the studio album ‘Die Aesthetik der Herrschaftsfreiheit - Band 3’
  • CD in slipcase
  • Hand-numbered by Jérôme Reuter
  • Personally signed by Jérôme Reuter
  • Limited to 500 copies

“Art holds a unity that history does not” - it is not without good reason that this slogan is preposed to the third part of the trilogy. Art should not be confused with reality (Brecht) and thus ROME preserve the necessary critical distance from the subject without sinking into formlessness. At the same time they succeed equally in illustrating the warm-heartedness of their protagonists and demonstrating the unity of art and the struggle for freedom. From Plato to Nietzsche or Marx, all innovators mistrusted art, even though it is inseparably connected to revolt, because artists also want to create the world anew. AUFGABE formulates the possibility of a higher set of ethics beyond the current economic system; ethics, whose fundamental principles are those of generosity and universal freedom. It is the appeal for the cultivation of life-affirming, moral and life-enhancing, aesthetic values. To turn one’s own life into a work of art, to give yourself to this work: that is the desired stance. As Conrad expressed it: the objective of the artist is to see that justice is done to the invisible universe. This is exactly what Jerome Reuter has done here. “The way everything is at the moment, I say, for the intellectual and cultured person to haughtily look down upon the social and the socio-political realms is an erroneous approach which is contrary to life. The political and the social are part of the human.” - Thomas Mann

黑胶状态: 现货
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