[订购] NAM-KHAR / VORTEX – The Sarajevo Spiral, CD [预付款1|119]

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  • VR-20652
Digisleeve CD。Nam-Khar 和 Vortex分集,军工/氛围。 Nam-Khar 和 Vortex...更多
商品信息 "[订购] NAM-KHAR / VORTEX – The Sarajevo Spiral, CD [预付款1|119]"

Digisleeve CD。Nam-Khar 和 Vortex分集,军工/氛围。

Nam-Khar 和 Vortex 是德国神秘地下音乐界最活跃的两支乐队,他们联手创作了最新专辑《萨拉热窝螺旋》。两支乐队都在多张概念专辑中发展了各自的仪式风格,在当前“新 1920 年代”全球冲突不断升级的背景下,这次合作自然而然地应运而生。最终诞生了一张充满军工和冥想的专辑,展现了 11 首反映人类死亡本能的复杂作品。 西格蒙德·弗洛伊德在 1915 年的作品《关于战争与死亡的时代思考》中,写到了第一次世界大战,这场战争始于萨拉热窝的一次暗杀:“我们不得不感到,从来没有哪次事件像这次一样,摧毁了人类共同拥有的宝贵财富,混淆了这么多最清晰的智慧,或者如此彻底地贬低了最高尚的东西。[...] 然而,我们对这些直接邪恶的感受可能过于强烈,我们无权将它们与我们未曾经历过的其他时代的邪恶相提并论...” Nam-Khar 和 Vortex 的音乐反思基于这样一个想法:一个世纪后,我们现在正处于历史循环的结束阶段。《萨拉热窝螺旋》讲述了过去、现在和命运的永恒回归。它是对深渊的多层次凝视,是对人类状况的扭曲描绘。 在 Christian Fuchs(Fetish 69、Black Palms Orchestra)独特嗓音和 Oliver Freund(MARS、Vinur)黑色吉他片段的衬托下,“萨拉热窝螺旋”超越了 Nam-Khar 和 Vortex 之前的作品,为我们的世界提供了更严酷、更末日的视角。这张专辑充满黑暗的精神却又充满虚无主义,展现了对人类心灵的深刻探索。 独家的死亡警示封面艺术由德国艺术家 Nadine En Noir 构思,他还为 Vortex 的“Häxan”创作了出色的艺术作品。这张专辑是 ZaZen Records 和 Cyclic Law 联合制作的。


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Nam-Khar and Vortex, two of the most prolific bands in the German occult underground, have joined forces to create their latest album, "The Sarajevo Spiral." Both bands have developed their respective ritualistic styles over numerous concept albums, making this collaboration a natural progression amidst the rising global conflicts of the current 'new 1920s.' The result is a martial and meditative album, unfolding eleven complex compositions that reflect on the human death drive.

In his 1915 work "Thoughts for the Times on War and Death," Sigmund Freud wrote about World War One, which began with an assassination in Sarajevo: "We cannot but feel that no event has ever destroyed so much that is precious in the common possessions of humanity, confused so many of the clearest intelligences, or so thoroughly debased what is highest. [...] Probably, however, our sense of these immediate evils is disproportionately strong, and we are not entitled to compare them with the evils of other times which we have not experienced..." Nam-Khar and Vortex base their musical reflections on the idea that we are now at the closure of a historical circle, one century later. "The Sarajevo Spiral" is about the past, the present, and the eternal return of fate. It is a multilayered gaze into the Abyss, a distorted sketch of the human condition.

Enhanced by the distinctive voice of Christian Fuchs (Fetish 69, Black Palms Orchestra) and the blackened guitar fragments of Oliver Freund (MARS, Vinur), "The Sarajevo Spiral" surpasses previous efforts by Nam-Khar and Vortex, offering a harsher, more apocalyptic outlook on our world. Darkly spiritual yet deeply nihilistic, this album presents a profound exploration of the human psyche.

The exclusive memento mori cover art was conceived by German artist Nadine En Noir, who also created the outstanding art for Vortex's "Häxan". This album is a co-production between ZaZen Records and Cyclic Law.

CD Edition of 300 copies in 6 panel Digisleeve. 11 Tracks. Running Time 63:30

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唱片价格: ¥ 119
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 118


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