Khanate – To Be Cruel, CD

Khanate – To Be Cruel, CD
¥ 109.00 *

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  • VR-20863
Digipak cd。美国厄运金属,2023年新专辑。 KHANATE are Alan Dubin, Stephen O’Malley, James Plotkin &...更多
商品信息 "Khanate – To Be Cruel, CD"

Digipak cd。美国厄运金属,2023年新专辑。

KHANATE are Alan Dubin, Stephen O’Malley, James Plotkin & Tim Wyskida.
15 years ago this imposing entity dimmed the lights. Those muted years but a foreboding prelude to an abrupt awakening – The era of TO BE CRUEL, 3 songs, newly shining light on distinct, destitute, clinging terrors. Slow dimensions have been amplified horrifically. Personal grievances have become generational vendettas.  

CD状态: 现货
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