[订购] Bonjour Tristesse – The World Without Us, CD Digipak [预付款1|119]

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  • VR-21749
DIGICD,限量250。德国氛围黑金属,2024年新专辑。 发行时间:10月18日。 Digipak edition CD with 8 page booklet,...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Bonjour Tristesse – The World Without Us, CD Digipak [预付款1|119]"



Digipak edition CD with 8 page booklet, limited to 250 copies.

The fourth Bonjour Tristesse album “The World Without Us” concludes a two-album spanning concept that began with the bands third release. The two records feature a radical critique of our industrialized modern age, highlighting the conflict between civilized humanity and nature. As the sole songwriter, Nathanael brings this cycle to a powerful end, offering a mix of raw violence, interspersed melodies, and manic vocals. The album critiques the destructive impact of industrialized civilization, painting a bleak picture of our dystopian reality.

“The World Without Us” combines raw aggression with melodic elements, often swinging towards frenzy while maintaining an oppressive feeling with plaintive and powerful vocals. The references to anti-civilization thinkers and existentialist writers add a slightly poetic note to the album and bring more depth to powerful message behind Bonjour Tristesse.

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唱片价格: ¥ 119
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 118
预计到货时间:        4-6周
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CD状态: 预定
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