[订购] Witchcraft – Nucleus, CD [预付款1|119]

[订购] Witchcraft – Nucleus, CD [预付款1|119]
¥ 1.00 *

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  • VR-22276
DIGICD. 瑞典迷幻摇滚。 发行时间:5月16日。 After the mind blowing success of the Witchcraft’s album...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Witchcraft – Nucleus, CD [预付款1|119]"

DIGICD. 瑞典迷幻摇滚。


After the mind blowing success of the Witchcraft’s album Legend, 2012, mastermind Magnus Pelander out did himself with “Nucleus”. Combining what made its predecessor the modern classic it quickly became with elements of the band’s earlier days, “Nucleus” is a melancholic, raging, fragile, melodic and at times noisy masterpiece between classic rock, doom and ambient music.

With an all new line-up (Rage Widerberg on drums and Tobias Anger on bass) the band sounds more hungry and powerful than ever. In combination with the thrilling, yet very down-to-earth production by Pelander, Philip Gabriel Saxin and Anton Sundell, “Nucleus” throws you in dreamy sonic landscapes that will mesmerize and haunt you alike.

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唱片价格: ¥ 119
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 118
预计到货时间:    6月中旬
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CD状态: 预定
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