[订购] Pissgrave – Malignant Worthlessness, CD [预付款1|109]

[订购] Pissgrave – Malignant Worthlessness, CD [预付款1|109]
¥ 1.00 *

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  • VR-22280
塑料盒CD. 美国死亡金属,2025年新专辑。 发行时间:2月21日。 “Malignant Worthelssness” completes the PISSGRAVE...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Pissgrave – Malignant Worthlessness, CD [预付款1|109]"

塑料盒CD. 美国死亡金属,2025年新专辑。


“Malignant Worthelssness” completes the PISSGRAVE trilogy begun with 2015’s “Suicide Euphoria” and its successor “Posthumous Humiliation” culminating in PISSGRAVE’s most punishing, deranged, and blasphemous release yet. “Malignant Worthelssness” will serve its purpose as a calamity by unleashing total blight to the modern death metal current.

Produced once again by the band’s longtime conspirator Arthur Rizk.

Track listing

1. In Heretic Blood Christened

2. Three Degrees of Darkness

3. Malignant Worthlessness

4. Heaping Pile of Electrified Gore, 5. Dissident Amputator

6. Interment Orgy

7. Ignominy of Putrefaction

8. Lamentation of Weeping Wounds

9. Mystical Obscenities

<1元钱唱片预定 & 福利计划!>


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唱片价格: ¥ 99
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 98
预计到货时间:    4-6周
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CD状态: 预定
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