Bardo Methodology #7, 杂志
68页杂志,深度采访关于音乐,神秘主义,哲学以及历史。全英文,无广告。 In-depth written conversations about music, mysticism,...更多
商品信息 "Bardo Methodology #7, 杂志"
In-depth written conversations about music, mysticism, philosophy, history and more. Thirteen articles spread over sixty-eight pages, no advertisements, featuring original artwork.
Black Witchery, Gospel of the Horns, Macabre Omen, Thorybos, Antediluvian, Atlantean Kodex, Mgła, Cold Meat Industry, Mortiis, MonumentuM, Warloghe, Ordo Templi Aeternae Lucis, Hexvessel
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