[订购] Old Silver Key ‎– Tales of Wanderings, CD [预付款1|99]

€1.00 *

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  • VR-20523
塑料盒 CD。自赏黑金属/后摇, Neige (Alcest) 担任主唱,与Drudkh全体成员组建的短命组合。 发行时间:10月18日,预计到货时间:11月中旬...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Old Silver Key ‎– Tales of Wanderings, CD [预付款1|99]"

塑料盒 CD。自赏黑金属/后摇, Neige (Alcest) 担任主唱,与Drudkh全体成员组建的短命组合。


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Short lived side-project featuring the entire line-up of Drudkh with Neige on vocals. 


OLD SILVER KEY reluctantly call their brainchild Post Rock – only to name their music.

The mastermind behind these beautiful and dark Brothers Grimm type fairy tales is underground Black Metal hero Roman Sayenko of Ukrainian DRUKDH, who is joined in this adventure by members of this band as well as Neige from French cult act ALCEST on vocals.

Yet OLD SILVER KEY offer something more than just a combination of Metal, Rock and progressive elements, this new side of the Ukrainians is bound to capture many new followers!

<1元钱唱片预定 & 福利计划!>


请通过淘宝或者客服支付定金 (添加微信vr01-vr01方便到货通知) ,我们相信大家会遵守君子约定,希望大家都会收到自己心爱的唱片。



唱片价格: ¥ 99
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 98
预计到货时间:    4-6周
疑问?唱片需求? 加微信:vr01-vr01


CD status: Pre-order
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