[订购] Vafurlogi – I Vokulli Athjan, CD [预付款1|109]

[订购] Vafurlogi – I Vokulli Athjan, CD [预付款1|109]
€1.00 *

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  • VR-21384
DIGICD。冰岛黑金属,2024年新专辑。 发行时间:9月13日 Vafurlogi is rooted both spiritually and...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Vafurlogi – I Vokulli Athjan, CD [预付款1|109]"



Vafurlogi is rooted both spiritually and literally in the early 2000s black metal movement, as the earliest songs were written nearly twenty years ago. Like the stalwarts of that era, Vafurlogi draws inspiration not only from the staunch traditionalism of the ‘90s but also from its rebellious spirit of discovery and creation.

Fronted by guitarist Þórir Garðarsson of Sinmara and Svartidauði, who now also takes on vocal and bass duties, Vafurlogi presents a new chapter for him as a songwriter. Throughout years of activity with his other bands, the essence of Vafurlogi slowly cultivated in parallel below the surface. Initially a vessel for accumulated works not suitable for Svartidauði or Sinmara, Vafurlogi developed into an avenue for him to freely explore different creative ideas and moods. While touching on the apocalyptic, nightmarish realms of Svartidauði and the haunting atmospherics of Sinmara, Vafurlogi places greater emphasis on triumphant and unabashedly melodic flourishes through a comparatively stripped-down compositional approach.

In Vafurlogi, Þórir has joined forces with drummer Ragnar Sverrisson, a seasoned veteran of the underground metal scene, having played in various bands both in Iceland and abroad, such as Helfró, Ophidian I, Abyssal, and Valkyrja. After the album recordings, the lineup was reinforced with Eysteinn Orri Sigurðsson of Nyrst and Úlfúð on guitars and Samúel Ásgeirsson of Volcanova on bass. “Í vökulli áþján” was produced at the esteemed Studio Emissary by Stephen Lockhart of Rebirth of Nefast between 2020 and 2024, presenting songs written mostly between 2018 and 2020.

Vafurlogi is Icelandic for ‘flickering flame’, but the name can also be literally translated as ‘wandering light’ – and therein lies the key to the project’s thematic essence. Vafurlogi explores man’s incessant and despairing search for meaning and the ever-elusive sacred light while condemned to roam spiritual wastelands..

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唱片价格: ¥ 109
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 108
预计到货时间: 4-6周
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CD status: Pre-order
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