[订购] SVARTSYN – Vortex of the Destroyer, CD [预付款1|109]

€1.00 *

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  • VR-22302
DIGICD。瑞典黑金属,2025年新专辑。 发行时间:3月28日。 With its tenth full-length album, Svartsyn delivers a...更多
商品信息 "[订购] SVARTSYN – Vortex of the Destroyer, CD [预付款1|109]"



With its tenth full-length album, Svartsyn delivers a work rooted in both its present vision and primordial past. “Vortex of the Destroyer” unfolds in two intertwined chapters: four new compositions alongside six resurrected relics from Chalice, the entity that would become Svartsyn in 1994.

The first half of “Vortex of the Destroyer” embodies a refined yet relentless approach, shaped by instinct and hindsight alike. From the ruin of Atlantis to the flames of Surtr and Fenrir, these songs channel Svartsyn’s pursuit of apocalyptic grandeur – a descent into the abyss.

The latter half harks back to the autumn of 1992, breathing new life into six compositions first forged under the Chalice banner. Conceived at the dawn of the second wave of Black Metal, these tracks honour the band’s origins. Re-recorded with present clarity, their essence remains untouched: wild, sinister, and unmistakably Ornias.

By uniting its earliest fire with its latest incarnation, Svartsyn asserts an unbroken path of black devotion. “Vortex of the Destroyer” is both a return and an advance, where destruction and renewal converge.


Dwelling in the Dark Golden Age


Hellstorm of Fenrir

The Prometheus of Dark Dreams

The Black Temple

Seraphims Torn Apart

Beyond the Memories

Agents of Lightbearers

Utter Norhtern Darkness

Offerings of Darkness

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唱片价格: ¥ 109
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 108
预计到货时间:    4月末
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CD status: Pre-order
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