[订购] Vemod – Venter På Stormene, CD [预付款1|109]

[订购] Vemod – Venter På Stormene, CD [预付款1|109]
€1.00 *

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  • VR-19243
Digipak CD, 挪威黑金属。 The re-release of a startling album Vemod from Trondheim/Norway are one...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Vemod – Venter På Stormene, CD [预付款1|109]"

Digipak CD, 挪威黑金属。

The re-release of a startling album

Vemod from Trondheim/Norway are one of the most promising and visionary bands of the vibrant, eclectic contemporary metal underground and have already made quite an impact in well-informed circles. Combining such diverse influences as Ulver, Dead Can Dance, Brian Eno and Paysage d'Hiver, the three musicians pursue a unique musical and aesthetical approach, thus reaching a distinct expression and atmosphere at an early stage of their career.
Vemod's first full length album "Venter På Stormene" (English: "waiting for the storms") was originally released in 2012 and is now reissued by Prophecy on a larger scale. Separated into the two parts "Over jord, vandrende" ("throughout the earth, wandering") and "Over himmel, flammende" ("throughout the heavens, flaming"), the album is conceived as a twofold manifestation of inner movements and a rising star, a contemplation upon the yet-again-sacred. The marriage of dark ethereal metal and atmospheric ambient soundscapes celebrates and cultivates the Vemodian essence within the realms of deep feeling: the result after years of slow but steady maturation and a bridge towards the future. Beyond sun and moon, we are born anew.

Over jord, vandrende
1. Venter På Stormene
2.Ikledd Evighetens Kappe
Over himmel, flammende
3. Altets Tempel
4. Å Stige Blant Stjerner

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唱片价格: ¥ 109
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 108
预计到货时间:    4-6周
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CD status: Pre-order
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