[订购] Unholy – Demology, 2xCD [预付款1|159]

[订购] Unholy – Demology, 2xCD [预付款1|159]
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  • VR-20895
塑料盒2xCD。芬兰死亡/厄运金属,90年代早期作品辑。 Svart Records 自豪地推出芬兰黑金属和厄运金属先驱 Unholy 的早期作品合辑 “Unholy...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Unholy – Demology, 2xCD [预付款1|159]"


Svart Records 自豪地推出芬兰黑金属和厄运金属先驱 Unholy 的早期作品合辑 “Unholy 可以说是芬兰最原创、最前卫、最权威、最重要的极端金属乐队。他们走过的路一直都是孤独和未知的,进入最深的天堂森林和精神墓地,在那里发现黑暗而精致的宝藏。这张合辑收录了他们的三张传奇样带,其中《Trip to Depressive Autumn》是芬兰有史以来最好的唱片,无论类型或风格如何。” - Albert Witchfinder,Reverend Bizarre Svart Records 即将发行芬兰前卫死亡厄运金属乐队 Unholy 的合辑专辑“Demology”。包括他们早期的试听录音《The Procession of Black Doom》(1990 年)、《Demo 11.90》(1990 年)和《Trip to Depressive Autumn》(1992 年),这是这些试听录音首次以独家封套说明的形式出现在同一个包装中。Unholy 乐队于 80 年代末从芬兰东部小镇伊马特拉 (Imatra) 崛起。在将乐队名字从 Armageddon 改为 Holy Hell,最终改为 Unholy 之后,他们的使命很简单:创作比他们的偶像 Black Sabbath 和 Celtic Frost 更强劲、更沉重、更缓慢的音乐。歌曲的歌词主题和创意来自撒旦教、神秘主义、反基督教、蘑菇之旅和萨满教等。芬兰深层生态学家 Pentti Linkola 也启发了乐队及其音乐。有些歌曲是通过即兴演奏自然产生的,有些则完全是即兴创作。虽然前两张 demo 已经让 Unholy 成为一股不容小觑的力量,但《Trip to Depressive Autumn》的发布引起了地下金属圈和各种唱片公司的注意。乐队渴望获得唱片合约,当 Lethal Records 于 1993 年发行他们的首张专辑《From the Shadows》时,他们终于实现了这个愿望。由 Jaime Gomez Arellano 在 Orgone Studios 制作的《Demology》将于 7 月 19 日发行。

Svart Records proudly present the Finnish Black and Doom Metal pioneers Unholy’s compilation of early material “Unholy are arguably the most original, avant-garde, definitive, and important Finnish extreme metal band. The paths they have walked have always been lonely and unknown, entering to the deepest celestial forests and psychic graveyards, and the treasures found there dark and exquisite. This compilation consists of their three legendary demos, of which Trip to Depressive Autumn is the best recording ever done in Finland, of any genre or style”. - Albert Witchfinder, Reverend Bizarre Svart Records is set to release the compilation album “Demology” by Finnish avant-garde death doom metal band Unholy. Including their early demo recordings "The Procession of Black Doom" (1990), "Demo 11.90" (1990) and "Trip to Depressive Autumn" (1992), this is the first time these demos are in the same package with exclusive liner notes. Unholy emerged from the eastern Finnish town of Imatra in the late '80s. After changing their name from Armageddon to Holy Hell and eventually to Unholy, their mission was simple; to create harder, heavier, and slower music than their idols Black Sabbath and Celtic Frost. The lyrical themes and ideas for the songs came from Satanism, mysticism, antiChristianity, mushroom trips, and shamanism among others. Finnish deep ecologist Pentti Linkola also inspired the band and their music. Some of the songs came up naturally by jamming riffs and others entirely by improvisation. While the first two demos already made Unholy a force to be reckoned with, the release of “Trip to Depressive Autumn” caught the attention of the underground metal scene and various labels. The band was hungry for a recording contract, and it finally came into realization when Lethal Records released their debut album “From the Shadows” in 1993. “Demology”, mastered by Jaime Gomez Arellano at Orgone Studios, is out on July 19th.

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唱片价格: ¥ 159
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 158
预计到货时间:    4-6周
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CD status: Pre-order
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