[订购] Gorguts – Pleiades' Dust, CD [预付款1|99]

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  • VR-21738
DIGICD。 Canada's long-running and much loved craftsmen of technical death metal are returning...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Gorguts – Pleiades' Dust, CD [预付款1|99]"


Canada's long-running and much loved craftsmen of technical death metal are returning with a 33-minute song. Entitled 'Pleiades' Dust' this complex, image evoking, and masterly arranged eponymous track fills an entire EP. Expect the unexpected when it comes to GORGUTS. In an age of a postulated clash of cultures, mastermind Luc Lemay delivers a piece of music that is conceptually and lyrically based on the "House of Wisdom", a medieval library based in Baghdad and at the heart of the Golden Age of Islam with its many scientific breakthroughs in various fields of learning. As Luc comments: "It is a story about curiosity, beautiful minds and sadly, about how man destroys great discoveries and achievements." The stunning cover art created to reflect this concept is the work of renowned Polish artist Zbigniew M. Bielak (MAYHEM, GHOST, ZHRINE et. al.).

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唱片价格: ¥ 99
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 98
预计到货时间:     4-6周
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CD status: Pre-order
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