3CD Digipak,限量200。北美暗潮,40周年纪念重制。 飘逸、哥特和氛围交织在一起,具有深刻而强大的抒情洞察力。 26 年前的 1999 年 1 月发行的《AS ONE AFLAME LAID BARE BY DESIRE》是Black tape for a blue girl 的第 7 张专辑,充满浪漫黑暗和文学内省。 随着 2026 年即将迎来 40 周年纪念日,创始人 Sam Rosenthal 正在修复和重新制作乐队的曲目。 AFLAME 有引人注目的...
€239.00 *
Digipak CD。意大利新民谣,2025年新专辑。包括一首民谣翻唱Alcest作品 Souvenirs d'un autre monde。 Corde Oblique's eight studio album "Sussurri e Grida" is a double album inspired by Bargman's movie "Cries and Whispers", the album is split in two sides: Volume 1...
€119.00 *
CD硬壳画册 (18x18cm, 36页)。新古典/暗潮,2025年新专辑。 CD hardcover book (18x18 cm, 36 pages), incl. Lyrics and extended artwork. (500 copies available) In times of trouble, women have often had to bear an even heavier burden throughout history. On...
€229.00 *
Digipak CD。荷兰器乐民谣/新民谣。2025年新专辑。 THURNIN's third album "Harmr" was born out of the deep feeling of grief that only love can bring. The title refers to an old Icelandic word that is probably more literally translated as 'grief' while its...
€109.00 *
Digipak CD。20周年纪念重混,带加歌。 整张试听: https://music.163.com/#/album?id=131456351 6-panel Digipak, with extended artwork, inside print, spot, and matt varnished CD disc. Also includes a designed download card for the digital album. 20th...
€109.00 *
塑料盒CD + Slipcase封套,带12页歌本。含一首加歌。欧版。 Jewel case with O-card, clear tray and 12-page booklet. Includes the rare track "Where Shade Once Was" as bonus.
€109.00 *
2CD精装硬壳书,封面烫金,54页含插图、歌词和相关信息,以及媒体和音乐家的解说,专辑相关的特别采访。 CD 1 为Pale Folklore,CD 2为“The Demonstration Archive”以及未发表曲目加歌。 Although 'Pale Folklore' stands as Agalloch`s debut record, it already embodies several elements that later became part of...
€279.00 *
DIGICD。CMI时期经典黑暗氛围专辑再版。 CD edition of 300 copies in 6 panel digisleeve. 发行时间:3月21日。 The Classic Dark Ambient Masterpiece Reissued as Double LP & CD Originally released in 1999, Sephiroth’s "Cathedron" remains a landmark in the dark...
€1.00 *
Digipak CD. 德国阴暗民谣,EP + 未发表作品。 发行时间:2月28日。 “The Complete Woes” is a sixfold threnody in remembrance of dissolution. A stroll through your sorrows in the tints of night and nostalgia. Presented in an ambitious CD Digipak, the first three...
€1.00 *
Digipak CD. 德国阴暗民谣,2025年新专辑。 发行时间:2月28日。 The flickering light of fragile hope battles the crushing weight of despair in Fields of Mildew’s fourth release, “IV”. With its signature minimalist dark folk, the project delves into the...
€1.00 *
DIGICD。北欧民谣。 发行时间:4月18日。 Kati Rán's ‘LYS’ 2025 Anniversary Vinyl and CD out in April via Svart Records In April 2025, Dark Nordic Pagan Folk singer and multi-instrumentalist Kati Rán celebrates the ten-year anniversary of her debut album...
€1.00 *
Comes in digipak CD + Booklet: 12 pages. 本店特为乐迷朋友们提供1元钱唱片预定服务—— 在这里你仅需支付1元钱定金 ,到货时补齐尾款即可。 请通过淘宝或者客服支付定金 (添加微信vr01-vr01方便到货通知) ,我们相信大家会遵守君子约定,希望大家都会收到自己心爱的唱片。 福利:每月我们会从参与预定的朋友中随机抽取一位,免费获得一张CD。结果会在 客服朋友圈 公示。 唱片订购 唱片价格: ¥ 109 预定金: ¥ 1...
€1.00 *