[订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Den Vanfrejdade – Hultkläppens, 2xCD 硬壳书 [预付款1|299]

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  • VR-21027
2CD 豪华硬壳书 (18x18 cm, 132页)。瑞典提琴手,2024年新专辑。 发行时间: 10月25日。 在赫尔辛兰的中心地带,出现了瑞典最神秘、最精湛的小提琴手之一...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Thomas von Wachenfeldt ‎– Den Vanfrejdade – Hultkläppens, 2xCD 硬壳书 [预付款1|299]"

2CD 豪华硬壳书 (18x18 cm, 132页)。瑞典提琴手,2024年新专辑。

发行时间: 10月25日。

在赫尔辛兰的中心地带,出现了瑞典最神秘、最精湛的小提琴手之一 Hultkläppen 的传奇。Thomas von Wachenfeldt 是一位受过古典训练的小提琴家、作曲家和著名的瑞典传统音乐家,他深入历史深处,重现了永恒的曲调。

“Den Vanfrejdade – Hultkläppens låtar och leveragene” 是一部传记之旅,涵盖了 Hultkläppen (1834-1898) 的一生和遗产。这张双 CD 专辑收录了这位传奇的臭名昭著的小提琴手的所有已知曲调,是 Wachenfeldt 二十年细致研究的结晶,他也是达拉纳大学和乌普萨拉大学的博士研究员和副教授。这张专辑附有一本 132 页的书,深入探究了 Hultkläppen 的生活和音乐。

每首曲目都充满了北欧荒野的精神,捕捉到了传统瑞典民间小提琴音乐的精髓。从“När Hultkläppen spelade hustrun till graven”的哀伤旋律到“Hultkläppens brännvinspolska”的欢快副歌,Wachenfeldt 的精湛演绎为世代相传的旋律注入了生命。这些音乐浸透了海尔辛兰的传说和风景,穿越时空,唤起了 Hultkläppen 本人所受到的同样的森林魔力。

Thomas von Wachenfeldt 是一位知名的小提琴手和巡回艺术家,曾在瑞典、英国、法国、美国、芬兰和冰岛演出和演讲。托马斯还活跃于他的死亡金属乐队 Wachenfeldt 和 Wombbath。他曾与许多著名乐队合作,例如 Entombed,他为该乐队的交响乐团编曲了“Clandestine”。他曾与 Grave、Hulkoff 和 Ereb Altor 等其他艺术家合作。


2CD 豪华书版 • 132 页 • 精装 • 18x18 厘米


From the heartlands of Hälsingland emerges the haunting legacy of Hultkläppen, one of Sweden’s most enigmatic and masterful fiddlers. Thomas von Wachenfeldt, a classically trained violinist, composer, and renowned traditional Swedish musician, has ventured into the depths of history to resurrect timeless tunes.

“Den Vanfrejdade – Hultkläppens låtar och leverne” is a biographical journey spanning the life and legacy of Hultkläppen (1834-1898). Comprising every known tune attributed to the legendary infamous fiddler, this double-CD album is the culmination of twenty years of meticulous research by Wachenfeldt, who is also a PhD researcher and an Associate Professor at Dalarna University and Uppsala University. The album is accompanied by a 132-page book, offering an in-depth exploration of Hultkläppen’s life and music.

Each track pulses with the spirit of the Nordic wilderness, capturing the essence of traditional Swedish folk fiddle music. From the mournful strains of “När Hultkläppen spelade hustrun till graven” to the jubilant refrains of “Hultkläppens brännvinspolska”, Wachenfeldt’s masterful interpretations breathe life into melodies passed down through generations. The music, steeped in the lore and landscape of Hälsingland, offers a passage through time, evoking the same woodland magic that inspired Hultkläppen himself.

Thomas von Wachenfeldt is a nationally recognised fiddler and touring artist who has performed and lectured throughout Sweden, England, France, the USA, Finland, and Iceland. Thomas is also active with his death metal bands Wachenfeldt and Wombbath. He has collaborated with a number of notable acts – such as Entombed, for whom he arranged “Clandestine” for a symphony orchestra. Other artists he has worked with include Grave, Hulkoff, and Ereb Altor.

2CD Deluxe Book Edition • 132 pages • Hardcover • 18x18 cm.


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唱片价格: ¥ 299
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 298


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CD status: Pre-order
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