[订购] Haavard ‎– Haavard, CD [预付款1|109]

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Digipak CD。新民谣。 Haavard是Ulver经典民谣专辑《Kveldssanger》原声吉他演奏者Håvard Jørgensen的化身。...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Haavard ‎– Haavard, CD [预付款1|109]"

Digipak CD。新民谣。Haavard是Ulver经典民谣专辑《Kveldssanger》原声吉他演奏者Håvard Jørgensen的化身。

Ulver发行于1996年的《Kveldssanger》可谓是原声自然新民谣音乐的先驱,打动并影响了大量后继创作人。而今,当年的吉他手Haavard Jorgensen再度拾起四分之一个世纪前燃烁的美妙薪火,创建这支以自己名字命名的新民谣单人计划Haavard,将于今年11月发行同名专辑《Haavard》,以此续写《Kveldssanger》种植下的芳韵长萦、返璞归真的大自然婉音。

目前Haavard的Bandcamp上放出了一首试听曲“Printemps”,美美美,仿佛今宵醇酒微醺的感觉,这首曲还配有一部影像化的黑白纯景MV。另外,加拿大新民谣乐队Musk Ox的大提琴手和小提琴手也为此曲献奏。译一下Bandcamp上对主创和专辑的介绍:

如果是其他人发行一张和《Haavard》一样的专辑,听起来和Ulver的梦幻原声杰作《Kveldssanger》(该专辑在1996年以其绚烂之美震撼了这几个挪威人的后继者)如出一辙,并包含一首标题为“Kveldssang II”的歌,那这位音乐人将会被指责为明目张胆地剽窃。然而吉他手兼歌手Haavard Jorgensen是《Kveldssanger》和《Haavard》背后的音乐主创,这意味着他作为独立艺人的首张专辑在一定程度上是对Ulver探索原声民谣音乐之旅的正当接续,很多优秀的特约音乐人协助他实现了此旅——包括主唱Kristoffer Rygg(Garm)。在Haavard的旗帜下,这个挪威人继续施展着他独特的艺术手法,书写着深深根植于故土民俗的宏丽庄严的旋律。通过原声的大篇幅器乐阐释,Jorgensen呈现了隐藏在挪威黑金属之下的瑰壮的层叠影像之美。整个九十年代,Jorgensen是奥斯陆迅速崛起的黑金属圈子里的一位不可或缺之人。加入了Eczema乐队,一直到这个三人团召来新歌手转型成了黑金属、有了新名字Satyricon,之后Jorgensen也成为了黑金属圈里的前卫先锋团Ulver的一员。尽管有段时间Jorgensen对黑金属似乎不那么着迷,但他继续在各种场合亮相,比如为Myrkur的2015年专辑《M》和2016年现场专辑《Mausoleum》献弹了原声吉他。2019年,这位吉他手和Dodheimsgard乐队的三位现任/前任成员一道组建了全新的奥斯陆黑金团Dold Vorde Ens Navn。带着复燃的对音乐更暗之面的激情,Jorgensen决定重拾《Kveldssanger》留下的曼妙音乐线纹的未尽之章,用Haavard这个以自己名字命名的单人计划做承接。增加了多年经验,《Haavard》再度邀请我们踏上一段原声音乐之旅,步入北欧阴暗音乐的跃动的旋律之心。

If anybody else were to release an album that sounded as remarkably close as "Haavard" to ULVER's magical acoustic masterpiece "Kveldssanger", which stunned the Norwegians' followers with its radiant beauty in 1996 and that also contained a track entitled 'Kveldssang II' – that musician would be accused of blatant plagiarism. Yet guitarist and vocalist Håvard Jørgensen is the musical mastermind behind both, "Kveldssanger" and "Haavard", which means that his debut album as a solo-artist is in part a legitimate follow-up to ULVER's folkish excursion into acoustic sounds that he realised with the help of many excellent guest musicians – including vocals by Kristoffer "Garm" Rygg. Under the banner of HAAVARD, the Norwegian continues his unique artistic approach that unveils the epic and sublime melodies, which are deeply rooted in his native land's folklore. Through its acoustic and largely instrumental translation, Jørgensen lays bare the spectacular layers of cinematic beauty that hide underneath Norwegian black metal. Throughout the 90s, Jørgensen was an integral part of Oslo's fast rising black metal scene. After joining ECZEMA and continuing when the trio turned towards black metal with a new singer under the new name SATYRICON, Jørgensen also became a part of the black scene's progressive spearheads ULVER. Although feeling somewhat disenchanted with black metal for a while, Jørgensen continued to appear in various formations and for example contributed acoustic guitars to MYRKUR's "M" (2015) and live album "Mausoleum" (2016). In 2019, the guitarist founded new Oslo black metal act DOLD VORDE ENSD NAVN together with three current and former members of DØDHEIMSGARD. With his passion for the darker side of music re-kindled, Jørgensen decided to pick up the loose ends of the beautiful musical thread that "Kveldssanger" had left behind with his self-named solo-project HAAVARD. Audibly adding many years of experience, "Haavard" again invites us on an acoustic journey into the beating melodic heart of dark Nordic music.

01. Printemps
02. Heartwood
03. Oberon
04. The Chase
05. Snøhetta
06. Emmanuelle
07. Eastwood
08. Niende Mars
09. Kveldssang Ii
10. Sørgemarsj
11. Mot Soleglad (Feat. Kris/Ulver)
12. Myrull
13. Athena

预定价格: ¥ 109
预定金: ¥ 1
预定到货需补差价: ¥ 108


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CD status: Pre-order
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