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Sylvaine – Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart, CD (十周年纪念版) Sylvaine – Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart, CD...
Digipak CD,带12页歌本。挪威单人女子自赏黑金属,首张专辑十周年纪念版重混,带加歌。 十年前,SYLVAINE 用《Silent Chamber, Noisy Heart》向听众介绍了她飘渺的世界,这张首张专辑将氛围自赏音乐、后摇滚和暗潮融合成一个情感共鸣的音景。这位多乐器演奏家身兼作曲家、录音工程师、制作人和音乐家,在混音工程师 Nick Terry 的帮助下,由 Air Studios 的 Ray Staff...
€109.00 *
[订购] Show Me A Dinosaur – Plantgazer, CD [预付款1|109] [订购] Show Me A Dinosaur – Plantgazer, CD...
DIGICD。俄罗斯自赏黑金属/后摇。 4 Panel Digipak with 8 pages booklet Show Me a Dinosaur is a heavy post-rock blackgaze band from Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation. This genre-defying band formed in 2010 and released their critically acclaimed...
€1.00 *
Sólstafir – Hin helga kvöl, CD Sólstafir – Hin helga kvöl, CD
DigiCD。2024年新专辑。 《Hin helga kvöl》(神圣的苦难)是对原始情感和荒凉之美的深刻探索,深受 Sólstafir 的文化遗产和冰岛令人惊叹的风景的启发。Sólstafir 在冰岛语中的意思是“曙暮光”,指的是黄昏时穿透乌云的阳光,捕捉到了《Hin helga kvöl》的精髓,它是在最艰难时期闪耀的希望灯塔。Sólstafir 直面内心的恶魔,超越摇滚的颓废,创作出与普遍的斗争和战胜困难产生共鸣的音乐。这张专辑在冰岛偏远的...
€129.00 *
[订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– The Bones Of A Dying World, CD [预付款1|99] [订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– The Bones Of...
DIGICD。后摇。 Track Listing: Solstice Swallowing Teeth Earth Crawler After The Smoke Clears The Here And Hereafter Iron Glacier The Giving Tree Berlin One Sky Above Us 本店特为乐迷朋友们提供1元钱唱片预定服务—— 在这里你仅需支付1元钱定金 ,到货时补齐尾款即可。 请通过淘宝或者客服支付定金...
€1.00 *
[订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– Red Forest, CD [预付款1|99] [订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– Red Forest,...
DIGICD,后摇。 Track Listing: Breath of Life The First Fire Barren Lands of the Modern Dinosaur They Speak With Knives The Gift of Two Rivers Red Forest Aleutian Clouds Left to Rot and Rust When The Big Hand Buries The Twelve...
€1.00 *
[订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– If These Trees Could Talk EP, CD [预付款1|99] [订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– If These...
DIGICD。后摇。 1 Malabar Front 2 Smoke Stacks 3 The Friscalating Dusklight 4 Signal Tree 5 The Death Of Paradigm 6 41°4'23" N, -81°31'4" W 本店特为乐迷朋友们提供1元钱唱片预定服务—— 在这里你仅需支付1元钱定金 ,到货时补齐尾款即可。 请通过淘宝或者客服支付定金 (添加微信vr01-vr01方便到货通知)...
€1.00 *
[订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– Above The Earth, Below The Sky, CD [预付款1|99] [订购] If These Trees Could Talk ‎– Above The...
DIGICD。后摇。 Track Listing: Side A From Roots To Needles What’s In The Ground Belongs To You Terra Incognita Above The Earth Below The Sky Side B The Sun Is In The North Thirty-Six Silos The Flames Of Herostratus Rebuilding The Temple Of...
€1.00 *
Our last hope lost hope – Our last hope lost hope, 2xLP (透明烟雾) + CD (优惠组合+包邮) Our last hope lost hope – Our last hope lost...
透明烟雾 双 胶 ( 超硬Tip-on Gatefold封套) + Digipak CD = 特惠组合 + 包邮 。Vrijheid Records出品。 发货时间:2月中下旬 我们最终的希冀终将破灭 our last hope lost hope 以灰寂空楼和阴晦天空所拼接的图景作为封面,以“我们最终的希冀终将破灭”之句作为标题,这张诞生超过二十年的专辑也许已经覆满了岁月的尘灰,但是对于真爱后摇的人来说,《Our Last Hope Lost...
€350.00 *
Our last hope lost hope – Our last hope lost hope, CD Our last hope lost hope – Our last hope lost...
6版面 Digipak CD。 限量300。Vrijheid Records出品。 发货时间:2月中下旬 我们最终的希冀终将破灭 our last hope lost hope 以灰寂空楼和阴晦天空所拼接的图景作为封面,以“我们最终的希冀终将破灭”之句作为标题,这张诞生超过二十年的专辑也许已经覆满了岁月的尘灰,但是对于真爱后摇的人来说,《Our Last Hope Lost Hope》这张与乐队同名的专辑会坚定地存在于经久的回忆之中,从过去到现在,再至未来。...
€100.00 *
[订购] Crippled Black Phoenix – The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature, 2xCD [预付款1|149] [订购] Crippled Black Phoenix – The Wolf Changes...
2CD DIGIBOOK,带36页歌本。英国前卫/后摇,2024年新专辑。 Deluxe Digibook including 2 CDs and 36-page booklet with liner notes "An acknowlegdement of 20 years of CBP". -CD1 'The Wolf Changes Its Fur But Not Its Nature' -CD2 'Horrific Honorifics Number...
€1.00 *
[订购] Nothing ‎– Guilty Of Everything, CD [预付款1|109] [订购] Nothing ‎– Guilty Of Everything, CD...
塑料盒CD。美国自赏/另类摇滚。 本店特为乐迷朋友们提供1元钱唱片预定服务—— 在这里你仅需支付1元钱定金 ,到货时补齐尾款即可。 请通过淘宝或者客服支付定金 (添加微信vr01-vr01方便到货通知) ,我们相信大家会遵守君子约定,希望大家都会收到自己心爱的唱片。 福利:每月我们会从参与预定的朋友中随机抽取一位,免费获得一张CD。结果会在 客服朋友圈 公示。 唱片订购 唱片价格: ¥ 109 预定金: ¥ 1 到货需补差价: ¥ 108 预计到货时间: 4-6周...
€1.00 *
[订购] Nothing ‎– The Great Dismal, CD [预付款1|109] [订购] Nothing ‎– The Great Dismal, CD [预付款1|109]
塑料盒CD。美国自赏/另类摇滚,2020年专辑。 The Great Dismal, NOTHING’s new full-length album explores existentialist themes of isolation, extinction, and human behavior in the face of 2020’s vast wasteland. Closing in on the band’s ten-year mark, frontman...
€1.00 *
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