[订购] Opeth – The Last Will And Testament, 2xLP (银色) [预付款1|309]

[订购] Opeth – The Last Will And Testament, 2xLP (银色) [预付款1|309]
¥ 1.00 *

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  • VR-20717
银色双胶。2024年新专辑。 "The Last Will and Testament" is a concept record of sorts. A restless...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Opeth – The Last Will And Testament, 2xLP (银色) [预付款1|309]"


"The Last Will and Testament" is a concept record of sorts. A restless musical journey in a way mirroring my own relationship with music as a consumer of it," narrates band leader Mikael Åkerfeldt. "I pick up something here, dismiss something there. I worship and I hate music at the same time. This ambivalence leads me down some type of creative path of my own and then, all of a sudden, a collection of songs has been written. Best case scenario, these songs are good enough to impress the band. Good enough for the "powers that be" in terms of the industry. Good enough for "you"?! I love this record. I have to say it (write it). Maybe I'm proud even? There are some familiar ingredients in there I suppose. Most of our music has sprung from the same source, so I guess it's not much of a shocker if it's going to sound like "us". I'm a bit in awe of what we did with "The Last Will and Testament". It feels like a dream. There is some "coherence" and "songwriting skills" I hope, but what do I know? I tend to favour the "strange" over the "obvious", but I feel like I'm in the minority, and that's fine. So… fair warning! Don't expect an instant rush (as per usual), but if you do "get it" (have you got it yet?) right away, that's ok too!"

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唱片价格: ¥ 309
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 308
预计到货时间:    4-6周
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黑胶状态: 预定
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