Behemoth – XXX Years Ov Blasphemy, 3CD + Bluray Mediabook

Behemoth – XXX Years Ov Blasphemy, 3CD + Bluray Mediabook
¥ 229.00 *

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  • VR-21284
3CD + Bluray Mediabook ,2024年新现场专辑。 Tracklist 1 Chant of the Eastern Lands (Live- XXX)...更多
商品信息 "Behemoth – XXX Years Ov Blasphemy, 3CD + Bluray Mediabook"

3CD + Bluray Mediabook,2024年新现场专辑。


1 Chant of the Eastern Lands (Live- XXX)

2 Lasy Pomorza (Live- XXX)

3 Summoning (Of the Ancient Ones) (Live- XXX)

4 Blackvisions of the Almighty (Live- XXX)

5 Cursed Angel of Doom (Live- XXX)

6 Pure Evil and Hate (Live- XXX)

1 The Thousand Plagues I Witness (Live- XXX)

2 Decade Ov Therion (Live- XXX)

3 Christians to the Lions (Live- XXX)

4 44 (The Youth Manifesto) (Live- XXX)

5 Heru Ra Ha: Let There Be Might (Live- XXX)

6 Chant for Ezkaton 2000 (Live- XXX)

1 Demigod (Live- XXX)

2 At The Left Hand Ov God (Live- XXX)

3 Alas, Lord Is Upon Me (Live- XXX)

4 Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer (Live- XXX)

5 Rom 5:8 (Live- XXX)

6 O Father O Satan O Sun! (Live- XXX)

CD状态: 现货
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