[订购] Heretoir ‎– Heretoir, CD [预付款1|109]

[订购] Heretoir ‎– Heretoir, CD [预付款1|109]
[订购] Heretoir ‎– Heretoir, CD [预付款1|109]
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  • VR-18490
Digipak CD。2023年重混 + 2首歌重录。后黑金属。 We recorded this album almost 15 years ago. So much has...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Heretoir ‎– Heretoir, CD [预付款1|109]"

Digipak CD。2023年重混 + 2首歌重录。后黑金属。

We recorded this album almost 15 years ago. So much has happened since then, but we feel very connected to these songs and they still mean a lot to us. The intense atmosphere, the eerie sense of loss and melancholy that this record conveys fits perfectly into the world of today. We live in urban wastelands and are surrounded by more and more isolated people who are increasingly losing touch with everything. It is hard to find some hope in these days dominated by stories of war, ecocide and solastalgia, yet many people tell us that they have found a glimmer of hope, a small portion of positivity within these songs, which are dark and bleak, but also offer some relief, some light in the darkness. That is why we decided that this record, which means so much to so many, deserves a proper remaster that on the one hand preserves the spirit of the original tracks, but on the other hand is accompanied by two re-recorded songs that in a way show the changes we have gone through as human beings and as musicians.

The future may look bleak, but all is not lost yet.
This record was and is still dedicated to those who feel. 

Heretoir, 2022

1. The Escape - Part I
2. Fatigue
3. Retreat to Hibernate
4. 0
5. Weltschmerz
6. Graue Bauten
7. The Escape - Part II
8. To Follow the Sun
9. Heretoir
10. Fatigue (2022)
11. Weltschmerz (2022)

<1元钱唱片预定 & 福利计划!>


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唱片价格: ¥ 109
预定金: ¥ 1
到货需补差价: ¥ 108
预计到货时间:    4-6周
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CD状态: 预定
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