塑料盒双CD。 双CD版 MAYHEM 乐队 1986 年早期排练,为邪典“PURE FUCKING ARMAGEDDON”demo 录音铺平了道路。 Mayhem 是挪威的先驱乐队,与 Venom、Celtic Frost 和 Bathory 等发起人一起,为全球舞台注入了活力。该乐队成立于 1984 年,有着悠久的悲剧、阴谋和恶名,已成为黑金属界真正受人尊敬的传奇乐队,他们的大部分传奇都是在 80 年代末和 90 年代初建立的,尤其是当吉他手 Euronymous...
¥ 129.00 *
金白喷溅双胶,限量500。北美暗潮,40周年黑胶首发。 飘逸、哥特和氛围交织在一起,具有深刻而强大的抒情洞察力。 26 年前的 1999 年 1 月发行的《AS ONE AFLAME LAID BARE BY DESIRE》是Black tape for a blue girl 的第 7 张专辑,充满浪漫黑暗和文学内省。 随着 2026 年即将迎来 40 周年纪念日,创始人 Sam Rosenthal 正在修复和重新制作乐队的曲目。 AFLAME 有引人注目的 2LP...
¥ 279.00 *
3CD Digipak,限量200。北美暗潮,40周年纪念重制。 飘逸、哥特和氛围交织在一起,具有深刻而强大的抒情洞察力。 26 年前的 1999 年 1 月发行的《AS ONE AFLAME LAID BARE BY DESIRE》是Black tape for a blue girl 的第 7 张专辑,充满浪漫黑暗和文学内省。 随着 2026 年即将迎来 40 周年纪念日,创始人 Sam Rosenthal 正在修复和重新制作乐队的曲目。 AFLAME 有引人注目的...
¥ 239.00 *
Digipak CD。意大利新民谣,2025年新专辑。包括一首民谣翻唱Alcest作品 Souvenirs d'un autre monde。 Corde Oblique's eight studio album "Sussurri e Grida" is a double album inspired by Bargman's movie "Cries and Whispers", the album is split in two sides: Volume 1...
¥ 119.00 *
CD硬壳画册 (18x18cm, 36页)。新古典/暗潮,2025年新专辑。 CD hardcover book (18x18 cm, 36 pages), incl. Lyrics and extended artwork. (500 copies available) In times of trouble, women have often had to bear an even heavier burden throughout history. On...
¥ 229.00 *
白胶,限量200。荷兰器乐民谣/新民谣。2025年新专辑。 THURNIN's third album "Harmr" was born out of the deep feeling of grief that only love can bring. The title refers to an old Icelandic word that is probably more literally translated as 'grief' while its...
¥ 229.00 *
Digipak CD。荷兰器乐民谣/新民谣。2025年新专辑。 THURNIN's third album "Harmr" was born out of the deep feeling of grief that only love can bring. The title refers to an old Icelandic word that is probably more literally translated as 'grief' while its...
¥ 109.00 *
双黑胶。2023年重混 + 2首歌重录。德国后黑金属。 We recorded this album almost 15 years ago. So much has happened since then, but we feel very connected to these songs and they still mean a lot to us. The intense atmosphere, the eerie sense of loss and...
¥ 289.00 *
Digipak CD。2023年重混 + 2首歌重录。德国后黑金属。 We recorded this album almost 15 years ago. So much has happened since then, but we feel very connected to these songs and they still mean a lot to us. The intense atmosphere, the eerie sense of loss...
¥ 109.00 *
Digipak CD。美国死亡金属。 Hailed for over 20 years as one of the leading purveyors of the Slam genre, USA Death Metal OG's PYREXIA are set to unleash 'Gravitas Maximus' - their heaviest and most devastating full length offering since genre...
¥ 109.00 *
塑料盒CD. This album is a retrospective look into the past, where old forlorn ruins and obscurity reign over desolate landscapes. Gazing back also into my own past, I have re-recorded a song originally included on the demo tape of my old...
¥ 99.00 *
Digipack CD。2024年新专辑。 Collectors Edition in 6-panel Digipack, limited to 500 copies. Pestilential Shadows is a black metal band hailing from Sydney, Australia. Playing in local black metal bands since 1997, in 2003 Balam decided to form...
¥ 109.00 *