[订购] Magma ‎– Une Histoire De Mekanïk - 50 Years Of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh, 7xLP套盒 [预付款1|1799]

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  • VR-19399
7黑胶豪华套盒,带大硬壳书(84页),手写编号证书。限量2000。法国先锋摇滚, 迷幻,自由爵士。庆祝传奇里程碑专辑“Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh"...更多
商品信息 "[订购] Magma ‎– Une Histoire De Mekanïk - 50 Years Of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh, 7xLP套盒 [预付款1|1799]"

7黑胶豪华套盒,带大硬壳书(84页),手写编号证书。限量2000。法国先锋摇滚,迷幻,自由爵士。庆祝传奇里程碑专辑“Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh" (1973)” 50 周年纪念发行。


Hardcover box with 7 LPs (black vinyl) in spined sleeves and padded inner sleeves as well as a large-format hardcover book (84 pages), wall flag, facsimile of the original "MDK" LP front cover, and a hand-numbered certificate of authenticity. Limited edition of 2.000 copies

"也就是上世纪70年代,咱们的唱机开始爆发出各种轰鸣的贝斯和强力的节拍,在这些充满能量的喧嚣中有一支来自异星的神秘歌声若隐若现,伴随着炙热的吉他Riff和宏大的管乐编排,在一切刚刚开始的时候,出现了这样一支乐队 – Magma。在音乐上我们很难将它们归类,他们怪得彻头彻尾,很难让人相信这是一支纯得不能再纯的法国乐队。但正是这种怪异和充满奇思妙想的创造力使Magma在1969年第一次登台的那个一刻就已经注定要在现代音乐史上青史留名了。

爵士、古典、布鲁斯、摇滚和流行,Magma的8位创始成员都是来自各种音乐风格的顶尖乐手,在乐队的灵魂人物 - 鼓手&作曲和主唱ChristianVander的带领下,Magma几乎融合了上述所有风格,创造出了一种可视感极强的独特音乐:

“数个世纪之后,人类文明毁灭了,少数人类离开了地球,在一个遥远的行星Kobaïa上建立了新的文明 ,并与当地的原住民Kobaïa人发生摩擦进而冲突..”.

这是MAGMA第一张专辑讲述的故事。Magma几乎所有的作品都是描述Kobaïa文明的起源和发展,而且用的都是“Kobaïa语”- Magma自己创造的语言!所以,Kobaïa星球上的音乐也是和地球音乐迥然不同的。Magma的音乐非常奇怪,也非常优美,当然他们有自己的体系 - Magma运用了极多元的音乐形式,专辑《Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh》是对德国作曲家卡尔·奥尔夫的致敬,《Wurdah Itah》则表现出受到贝拉·巴托克的钢琴音乐与斯特拉文斯基的影响。萨克斯大师手约翰·科特兰对Magma亦有着强列的影响。许多从Magma离队乐手都组了新的或乐风雷同的乐队,乐迷们便以Kobaïa语中的“Zeuhl”来称呼这种与Magma相关或直接受他影响的哥特调性+前卫爵士+迷幻摇滚+世界音乐的风格。

在1970 和1971年推出了两张专辑《Kobaïa》和 《1001° Centigrades》后,Magma成名于他们在1973年发行的专辑《Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh》,这张一经推出就受到了国内外的一致好评的专辑也是乐队灵魂Christian Vander的妻子 - 歌手StellaVander第一张献声的专辑。之后Magma 进入了一段高强度创作时期 1974 – 1978, 四年,四张专辑(《 Ẁurdah Ïtah 》《Köhntarkösz》《 Üdü Ẁüdü》《Attahk》),一部异星史诗。之后Magma 1983年他们推出了专辑《Merci》,这是一张充满Soul、Disco和Funk气息,与以往所有作品都不同的“异类”专辑,一张很“80年代”的专辑。 这张专辑后他们慢慢暂停了创作的脚步,只发行了几张EP和进行了为数不多的演出,忙于副业的Christian以“冷眼旁观”的姿态错过了百花齐放的80-90年代世界摇滚乐坛,成为了乐迷心中的一个遗憾。

2001年,Magma带来了现场专辑《Theusz Hamtaahk》,用比以往都要好的状态从新演绎了他们经典的“三部曲”(《Theusz Hamtaahk》、《 Ẁurdah Ïtah 》、《Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh》),同时宣布了他们的回归,带着持续到现今的新阵容 – 年过半百,已是“欧洲鼓王”的Christian Vander, 他的妻子主唱Estelle Vander,充满破坏力和创造性的吉他手James Mac Gaw,和贝斯手Philippe Bussonet,还有一队男女声部伴唱,他们开始了密集的巡演,并通过一场场超越所有人期待的精彩演出收获了观众对他们“老前卫音乐”的赞叹。

2004年,他们推出了饱受好评的专辑《K.A.(Köhntarkösz Anteria)》,并在2006-08两年间现场演绎和录制了之前的所有作品,其间Magma黄金时代成员 如Jannick Top(后成立了Space乐队,并做过席琳迪翁的制作人)和 Klaus Blasquiz(前主唱)都前来助阵…这个叫做 “Mythes Et Légendes”的现场系列大获成功,向世人么宣示了Magma并没有老!"



Iconic French avant-garde rockers MAGMA have joined forces with Prophecy Productions to create a lavish boxed set to celebrate the 50th anniversary entitled "Une histoire de Mekanïk – 50 Years of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh" of their legendary milestone release and third studio album "Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh" (1973). Apart from a number of special collectors’ items, this box set limited to 2,000 copies contains seven vinyl LPs ranging from the original album to live recordings and other rare materials related to "Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh" of which several were previously unreleased and/or appear on vinyl for the first time. For connoisseurs of avant-garde rock, MAGMA require no introduction. The visionary French band that were founded in Paris by self-educated drummer and percussionist Christian Vander are towering giants within and beyond their genre. Vander has created his own lyrical cosmos for MAGMA, in which humanity has destroyed earth and fled to a planet called Kobaïa that has remained at the centre of his musical works. With his disturbing vision of humanity's ecological and spiritual development, Vander was far ahead of his times and quite prophetic. Most MAGMA lyrics are sung in the fictional language Kobaïan, which was invented by Vander, which mainly used phonetic traits of Germanic and Slavonic languages to enhance the musical expression of the band. With "Une histoire de Mekanïk – 50 Years of Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh", MAGMA celebrate their classic album's 50th anniversary by giving themselves and their dedicated following a beautiful present in the shape of a limited box set that follows the massive trail of their iconic third full-length from the original through decades of various incarnations. Zeuhl forever!

LP 1 "1972 – Paris ORTF"
This is definitely one of the first recorded live versions of "MDK"; and it might even be the first – if anybody could exactly remember this after 50 years. The masterpiece was still work in progress at that time.

LP 2 "1973 – Choeurs de la Storchhaus"
This studio recording can be regarded as a demo and it features the choir that played "MDK" live at the SIGMA festival in November 1972. It was first released on CD in 1989 and appears now for the first time on vinyl.

LP 3 "Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh" (original version)
Despite of more than 30 published studio and live recordings, many consider this album to represent MAGMA's ultimate masterwork. At the time, Christian Vander had taken the artistic destiny of the French band fully into his hands. The most striking development was the massive impact of the vocalists and choir. This classic was carefully remastered for this edition.

LP 4 (Side 1) "1994 – Les voix de Magma"
This previously unreleased track was recorded live with the addition of a 60 piece choir.

LP 4 (Side 2) "1995 – Babyaga la sorcière"
This surprising adaptation of "MDK" was recorded at the Espace Lumière in Epinay-sur-Seine, France on October 15, 1995 during the second concert celebrating Magma's 25th birthday. It features an impressive choir of children and an instrumental ensemble of teenagers and was released on CD in 1996 but never before on vinyl.

LP 5 "2000 – Paris Trianon Theater"
This version was recorded in Paris at the Theatre du Trianon during MAGMA's 30th anniversary celebration and was previously only released on CD as part of a box set in 2001.

LP 6 "2005 – Paris Le Triton"
During May 2005, MAGMA booked the club Le Triton in Paris, changed their programme each week, and brought back illustrious past members back to the stage to perform with them. On this recording from May 21, Christian Vander was reunited with legendary bass player Jannick Top. Previously only appearing on DVD, this is the first audio only release of this remarkable event.

LP 7 "2021 – Opéra de Rennes"
This previously unreleased version captures the new MAGMA new line-up, which is more vibrant than ever!

预定价格: ¥ 1799
预定金: ¥ 1
预定到货需补差价: ¥ 1798


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